Welcome to
Time to Blossom
Play and Creative Arts
and Counselling

Time to Blossom Play and Creative Arts Therapy offers an opportunity for Children and Young people their own space in which to discover and deal with their feelings and emotions as well as learn more about themselves. It is a place for them to realise that just like trees changing is part of life,that they also have the potential to change. With this realisation, it gives them the opportunity to build an inner strength and resilience to cope with life's challenges as well as enable them to have open minds and a hope to reach for who they can and want to be.
Non Directive Play Therapy and Person Centered Counselling Approach
Children need the freedom to explore and express Themselves in whatever way they feel in a safe and accepting space
Play and Creative Art's Therapy is a non-directive approach to provide Children and Young people with a non-judgemental, confidential, therapeutic space in which to explore their often-unconscious feelings and emotions. Through the relationship with the therapist and the use of the varied resources in the room they are enabled to confront personal issues and gain a different perspective of themselves and develop their inner strength and resilience.
As Children and Young people experience an acceptance and interest of who they are through the therapeutic relationship within the therapy room, their unconscious minds are released where natural healing can take place. The result of Children and Young people who come to Play and Creative Arts therapy and Counselling is that they become calmer, less angry and aggressive or less withdrawn and more able to express and talk about their feelings. They become more confident in who they are and able to more easily socialise with others.
Play and Creative Arts Therapy is based on the Person Centered Counselling approach with a belief that each person has the resources within to enact their own healing and bring about any desired change, which by so doing, they build a great sense of achievement and belief in themselves. (please see the comments below from previous clients.)

About Me
Play and Creative Arts Psychotherapist and Young Persons Counsellor
” Four Healing Messages”, I AM HERE, Nothing will distract me.., I HEAR YOU, I want to hear you completely.., I UNDERSTAND YOU, I want to understand the inner depth of feeling.., and I CARE”. ( Landreth )
Through my experience as a children and families social worker, and then adoption worker for 10 years I developed the desire to work more directly with children and Young people. I then found the intense training to become a Play and Creative Arts Therapist gave me the exact skills that I needed to fullfill the ultimate rewarding job of journeying with children and young people in their quest to tackle some of the challenges that life has dealt them.
I am passionate about helping young people to believe in change within themselves and that they can be master of their inner world despite their previous experiences or current circumstance.
I have developed extensive experience of working with children,teenagers and parents aver the years.My training and experience particularly as an adoption social worker and play therapist has given me a particular expertise around the effects of trauma and attachment issues.As well as one to one therapy with young people, I am also very interested in and experienced in delivering parenting sessions which is something I can also offer,(see further information below).
I am a mother of two children now in their early twenties and enjoy living now in the breathtaking beautiful country of rural Scotland where I seek my own refreshment.
What I can offer

One to One Play Therapy with children
5-12 yrs
This usually comprises of a minimum of 12 sessions as it takes time for a child to build a trusting relationship and work through the issues that they have. I would have an assessment session with the parent first so I have an understanding of what brings their to Therapy and so you can express your concerns and hopes that you have as a result of Therapy.
The Play Room includes;
- Art and Craft
- Clay and Play Dough
- Puppets
- Sand Tray
- Music
- Role Play
- Therapeutic Stories
One to One Creative Arts Therapy and Counselling for pre to late teens.
Young people have so many pressures and issues in their lives to navigate through let alone any unresolved truamatic experiences they might have been exposed to in their life.
These sessions are an opportunity to work through things in a creative way or to talk openly in a confidential and non judgmental setting.
I recommend a minimum of 6 sessions with a view to continuing for a further 6 if required.

Therapeutic Parenting Sessions
Don't you just love your teenagers?! I'm sure you do but they are not always easy to understand and certainly not always easy to know how to connect with,are they?.
Through my personal love of this age group, my extensive knowledge and experience I can bring a refreshing and effective perspective on how to relate and connect with the young person in your family.
I can offer this with parents of just one one child or I can offer this with groups of parents.

Professional Accreditation
Training and Qualifications etc
Bsc in Social Work
Post Graduate Diploma in Play and Creative Arts Therapy
Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Level 1
Theraplay level 1
Advanced Counselling Diploma
Professional Registration:
Public Indemnity
ICO Registration( For Privacy of information)
PVG Certificate
What Young People have said
'Feeling stronger in myself, more positive about who I am and feeling beautiful'
'My relationships at school,and with family have improved. I feel more in control of myself and improved managing my anger as well as become more understanding of others'
'I feel much happier and feel I now have some tools to help deal with my anxiety although it is still there.'
What Parents have said
'He is able to express his feelings more and seems more secure in himself '
'She is much happier, and appears less burdened as well as an improvement at school.'
'L is a lot happier and more confident in himself. He is more open to talk. Always been happy to come to sessions. He perseveres more with things.'
'Thankyou,he is like a different child,he is able to control any anger without it escalating. Our relationship is so much closer and therefore I don’t feel so stressed and the home is a lot calmer.'
What Teachers have said
'Thankyou for helping I. she is able to be a lot more independent and confident in class'.
'More even keel,better relationship with class mates,no more anger outbursts in class.'
Therapy helps to
Change perspective, Promotes a sense of being held and the ability to
Focus on the present